December 3, 2011

The Emergence of Kor Teeth Whitening – Houston

Kor Teeth Whitening is the comfortable alternative to many whitening techniques found in dentistry today.  Because of the importance of a brilliant smile, many are changing their habits to facilitate the brightest teeth possible.  However, if you love coffee or wine, there’s no need to eliminate these from your routine for the sake of appearances.  Kor is a product that is designed to permanently whiten your teeth without the use of harmful chemicals that can do long-term damage or require consistent “touch-ups”.  If your smile has lost its luster, consider Kor to be the perfect solution.

Marquette dental care in Houston, Texas has noted an incredible response to their implementation of the Kor teeth whitening system.  Many entered the office self-conscious about their teeth and left with a beaming smile that could be seen across the room.  Marquette Dentistry is one of the few dental specialty services in Houston that offers up the unique bleaching system that has proven results time and again.

Years of staining can really take their toll on your smile, and while many home-based whitening systems leave you wishing you had taken better care over the years, the Kor teeth whitening system is designed to deliver results no matter how diminished your smile may have become.  If you find yourself hiding your smile due to a lack of confidence in the shine of your teeth, visit Marquette Dentistry and ask about the Kor teeth whitening system – you’ll be happy that you did!

Marquette Dentistry is located at 8323 Southwest Freeway #610 Houston,Texas 77074.

Call us at (713) 777-9865, or fill out an online  appointment form to set up your appointment.You can also download our appointment form here.